FCU是您的资源. Browse through our FAQ's that will guide you through any sudden event or changes that may affect your finances.


A Power of Attorney is used on an existing account when an established member designates another person as their attorney-in-fact or agent. Before conducting a transaction, he/she must sign an Affidavit of Attorney in Fact/Agent.

Q. 演进FCU接受什么样的授权书?
A. 演进FCU接受a 持久授权书; a written instrument that:
  1. 指定他人为实际代理人或代理人. 
  2. 是否由成人校长签署.
  3. Contains the wording showing the principal's intent that the authority granted on the attorney-in-fact, or agent, shall be executed despite the principal's subsequent disability or incapacity.
  4. Is acknowledged by the principal before a Notary public who is authorized to take acknowledgements to deeds of conveyance and to administer oaths under the laws of any state.
Q. What actions is an attorney-in-fact or agent permitted to take on an account?
A. 事实代理人或代理人被允许进行交易, 如取款或获取账户记录, 代表会员. 

Q. Why must the Affidavit of Attorney in Fact/Agent form be signed each time a transaction is conducted?
A. The Affidavit of Attorney in Fact/Agent form states that the attorney-in-fact/agent did not have knowledge that the power was terminated due to revocation, the principal's death or the qualification of a guardian of the estate of the principal. It also states that the principal is disabled or incapacitated as defined by the power. 

Q. 我应向谁索取律师事实/代理誓章表格?
A. Contact the eBanking Center to obtain the Affidavit of Attorney in Fact form.

Q. 如何解除以前指定的代理人?
A. You must provide the credit union a Revocation of Power of Attorney form. 它必须写明你的前代理人的名字,并且必须经过公证.


如果我们的一个成员去世了,程序会有所不同. Factors such as loans and whether the member was the 主账户持有人 or joint will determine how the account is handled. Generally, a joint member, a family member or another representative notifies the credit union of a member's death. 

Q. 如果有会员死亡,我应该联系谁?
A. 您可以通过联系电子银行中心报告会员的死亡.

Q. 当成员死亡时,帐户会发生什么?
A. Several factors must be reviewed when determining how the account of a deceased member will be handled. The eBanker will review the account for outstanding loans, joint owners, beneficiaries, etc. 

Q. 开始这个过程需要什么文件?
A. 死者的死亡证明.

Q. 如果账户上没有指定的受益人怎么办?
A. If there are no named beneficiaries, Letters of Testamentary/Administration will be required.

Wire Transfers

Q. 我怎样电汇?
A. A wire can be requested by completing the Wiring instructions form and emailing the form to info@secretsilm.com 或传真(915)592 -9084.


Note: Outgoing wire transfer fees apply according to the 会员计划 (see fee 会员计划 and Fee Schedule). The receiving institution may apply an incoming wire transfer fee which may affect the final dollar amount deposited to the recipient. 

会员计划 & Fee Schedule

Q. 电汇需要多长时间? 
A. Wiring instructions received before 3:00 pm (Mountain Time) will be sent the same day. 不过,最终投寄将视收寄机构而定. Wiring instructions received after 3:00 pm (Mountain Time) will be processed the next business day. 周末或节假日不处理电汇请求. 

Note: 汇款说明在发送前必须经过全面核实. An evolve FCU representative may need to call to verify your information.


Q. 我如何对交易提出异议?
A. 争议程序可以通过你的手机应用程序启动, home banking, 或联络网上银行中心. Before filing a dispute, members should make the effort to contact the merchant. 他们或许可以在不提起诉讼的情况下返还资金. We may ask for additional information or documentation depending on the type of dispute. 

在手机应用程序的主菜单上,点击 Messages:

    • 点击右上方的蓝色铅笔.
    • Under Subject争议交易.
    • Under 选择附件类型, select 交易记录.
    • 找到交易并点击左边的方框. 如果要对多个事务进行争议,请点击每个事务.

Note: A transaction that is "pending" cannot be disputed until it posts to the account.

    • Tap on 附加选定项目 在屏幕底部.
    • Include a message with the reason for the dispute such as unauthorized or fraudulent.
    • Tap Send.

从主菜单开始 Home Banking, tap on Messages:

    • Click on New message 在屏幕的左上方.
    • Under Subject, choose 账户的支持.
    • Click 选择附件类型 在屏幕的右上角.
    • 找到交易并点击左边的方框. 如果要对多个事务进行争议,请点击每个事务.

Note: A transaction that is "pending" cannot be disputed until it posts to the account

    • Click 附加选定项目.
    • In Message body, state the reason for disputing the transaction such as unauthorized for fraudulent.
    • Click Send.



Q. 我如何关闭我的帐户?
A. To close an account at evolve FCU, email a letter to our eBanking center at info@secretsilm.com.

NOTE: Only the 主账户持有人 可以关闭账户吗. 除非另有要求,支票将邮寄到存档地址.


    • Date
    • 主帐户持有人的名称
    • Account number
    • 您希望结清帐户的声明书
    • 申请人的有效身份证明复印件
    • Signature

If any of the items mentioned above are missing, the closing of the account will be delayed. To request deletion of your online banking account and data, please email us a signed request to info@secretsilm.com 您的帐号和用户名.


会员被鼓励在他们的账户中添加一个受益人, 特别是对于单一账户. He/she may choose to add the beneficiary later or change the beneficiary in the future. 

Q. 我如何为我的帐户增加或更改受益人?

A. Adding or changing a beneficiary to an account will require a new signature (account) card. The change will apply to the designated account (savings, checking, club accounts etc.), ira除外. The signature card needs to be complete and include the initials and signatures of all authorized signers. 将填妥的表格电邮至 info@secretsilm.com.



Q. 我需要提供受益人的哪些信息?

A. You need to provide the beneficiary's name, address, phone number, date of birth, and relation.

Q. 如何更改个人退休帐户的受益人?

A. Contact the eBanking center at (915) 593-5866 to change an IRA beneficiary.

NOTE: You will need to provide the beneficiary's name, date of birth, social security number, and address. 

放弃形式 & 保持无害协议

共有人可以将自己从签名卡上删除. 此外,主账户持有人可以取消共同所有人. Both requests need to be submitted in writing then reviewed by management for approval. A new signature card will need to be obtained after a joint owner is removed.
Q. 我可以从账户中删除我的名字吗?
A. 只有共同所有人才能将自己从账户中删除. If you are the 主账户持有人, the account will need to be closed. 

Q. 我是一个账户的共同所有人. 我要怎么做才能把我的名字从名单上除名?
A. 从账户中删除共同所有人需要一份放弃表格. 在请求移除之前, be certain that any direct deposits in your name have been stopped or changed to a different account. 一旦你的名字从账户中删除, you will not have access to the funds or be authorized to receive information. When the form is received it will be submitted to a member of management for review. If no other information is needed, the request will be approved and completed.
NOTE: 当共有人提交放弃表格时, 他/她将被剥夺所有股份(储蓄), checking, money market, etc.). 贷款的共同借款人不得自行解除贷款. 

完成的放弃表格可以通过电子邮件发送到 info@secretsilm.com.
Q. 我可否将联名帐户持有人从我的帐户中除名?
A. 从账户中删除共同所有人, 联合帐户持有人最好提交放弃表格.

Q. 我找不到联名账户持有人. 我可以将他/她从我的账户中删除吗?
A. A 保持无害协议 is required to remove a joint owner from your account, 在他/她不知情的情况下. When the form is received it will be submitted to a member of management for review. If no other information is needed, the request will be approved and completed. 

NOTE: 当主账户持有人提交一份持有无害协议, 共同所有人将被剥夺所有股份(储蓄), checking, money market, etc.). 贷款的“共同借款人”不得从贷款中除名.

完整的保持无害协议可以通过电子邮件发送到 info@secretsilm.com.
